Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Site Stats and long tail

I have been analyzing the data about the sites first four months of operation and wanted to share some of my insight (by the way if there is anyone reading this blog that is expert on Google Analytics I could use some help).
Our traffic is growing considerable and we are reaching thousands of readers each day. We are running an internal bet on when the site will hit 500,000 visits a month with my bet on April 26 2007.
An interesting phenomenon I have noticed that about a third of my daily traffic is directed toward older articles. The extreme example is an article about Rugby published on Nov 26 2006 that continues to get comments about it almost six weeks after it was published (it is up to 90 comments). I guess this is an example of our own long tail. The more quality content you create and get indexed on the web the more people will come to visit the site. With our current growth rate and the amount of great new content being published on the site I expect these numbers to grow considerably over the next few months. I wonder how much of the traffic for traditional sport site is directed to their archive compared to the day to day news.
Our traffic remains predominately European with over 40% coming from the UK around 20% from North America other important markets are Australia, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Ireland, Norway and Israel.
Cricket was our most popular category in December with a lot of coverage focused on the Ashes. While Tennis had the highest number of readers per article.

We continue to see a serge in the number of people signing up to write on Sportingo and overall the quality of articles is excellent. I will try getting some data about the writers for my next update.

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